It's the fourth installment, but the good old charm I found on the Blue Version is still there.
But I'm writing this review anyway.
The R/S/E and the FR/LG Generation did not have the "spark" I had found on RBY and GSC.
It has the good old difficulty: Hard for those who only use one Pokemon. But, of course, you still see people who pass the game with a level 85 Infenape.
But fear not, for this new part to the series is all that you have been asking for. It has:
Internet trading and battling.- This adds a whole new level to the Series, as you can fight with people around the world AND trade with them via the Battle Tower and the GTS.
Wireless Battling and trading.- Thanks to the DS Wireless Communication, you can fight with everyone without the need of a Linking Cable.
100 more Pokemon.- 100 more Pokemon have been added, raising the list to 486
Ability to pass Pokemon from the last Generation, thanks to the Pal Park option, available to those who completed the Sinnoh Pokedex.
Connectivity with PBR, Pokemon Ranch and Pokemon Ranger to pass Pokemons, items and data.
Lots of postgame extras, such as the Battle Island, Cresselia, Heatran and Giratina, the Level 70 Ubers.
I think that is pretty much.
But don't read this.
Take the dust off your old Game Card, wait for Pokemon Platinum or buy it right now!.