Great game..... But, has the magic gone from pokemon games????

User Rating: 7 | Pocket Monsters Diamond DS
Pokemon diamond is a great game for Pokemon fans it still offers you the same 10/10 gameplay, but i fell that Pokemon games have lost there way over the years. Pokemon blue and red where great games, then came my favourite game of all time in the Pokemon series Pokemon yellow, i loved the way that the screen was color and the fact that you really felt like a Pokemon trainer. i wasted all of my childhood years playing on that game never taking my eyes of the screen. Always playing to beat the Pokemon league and become the Pokemon master! 150 Pokemon to know and learn, perfect. Then came Pokemon gold and silver again great games, and followed by Pokemon crystal, the possibly longest Pokemon game, another 150 Pokemon to learn... fine i can handle that. The fact that there are 2 islands that you have to do is brilliant, love the game. And the graphics were brilliant. Again 10/10, Unfortunately it didnt stay that way as soon as it hit the game boy advance and they introduced Pokemon ruby and sapphire. This was the time when Pokemon had changed, and i started to fell empty inside when i played them it was a great game but no excitement and that same warm satisfying felling i got from the old games had gone. Pokemon emerald was a little better but didnt fill that warm happy felling i got from the older games. It just didnt fell as much fun and exiting anymore. Now onto the new games Pokemon diamond and pearl. I fell i shouldn't waste my money on buying them because i properly never get that same felling i once had, i have played Pokemon diamond, and i must say that i fell like the 3D world doesn't soot Pokemon games, i felt like it didnt go with the game. I think that it is just like the other pokemon games, but something is missing. Conclusion: Great game for old and new gamers, just don't be expecting to much, the 3D graphics may sway in gamers, and it will be interesting what they have done with that, but the simple birds eye view is good enough and the simple one on one battles is how pokemon games should be, so try the game, i recommend it. Thats why i fell like the Pokemon magic in Pokemon games has gone. PLEASE leave a comment on how you feel about the issue and Pokemon games, and how they have changed. Thank You for reading.

P.S, I do know about Pokemon leaf green and fire red, i have fire red love the game reminded me of the good days.