Pokemon Diamond follows in the path of the Pokemon franchise and adds some great multiplayer with the addition of Wi-Fi.

User Rating: 8.5 | Pocket Monsters Diamond DS
Ahh... Pokemon... I, like many other people have been playing pokemon for a long time. Some like me have been captured by the sense of victiory after defeating a gym leader, or the sense of adventure when travelling throught the various enviorments.
But this is the first time that I have seen Pokemon like this... for it has moved on to the DS.

When I first heard that Diamond and Pearl were going to be on the DS rather than the old Gameboy Advance, I was extremely disappointed. Even 1 year after the release of the DS I didn't have one.
Well, two months later, I bought my self a DS, perhaps just for Diamond, but I did buy one. And soon after that, Diamond was released.

What can I say about Diamond... First let me start with the visuals. The visuals are simply beautiful. Without over-exaggerating on effects or anything, the environments were detailed beautifully with completely vibrant and... well, happy colors. Another thing about the visuals is that there is a 3D effect added in. The buildings are almost completely polygonal, and add a lot to the beauty of the game.

The gameplay is just the same. You capture, train, and breed these creatures called pokemon to battle and eventually be the best trainer of them all. The battle system is basically and RPG-type experience, in which your pokemon has 4 moves that it can use against the opposing pokemon. Stats and such are also added in.

With 100+ hours packed into one tiny cartridge it's hard to believe that the game is only 35 dollars. Even a hard core RPG player can appreciate this, as well as, of course, us pokemon fans.