Played Over 1000 Hours, believe it or not, this game makes me cry because it's too good(MUST READ)
The pokemon series created by nintendo is legendary, even adults play them, and on my school bus, half of the kids are talking about pokemon, This game and Pearl are affordable and portable,its appropiate and a lot of games has been coming out that kids this generation are playing, when ever a new pokemon game comes out on DS, they start playing and talking about it. Anyways, Diamond is fantastic game, however, even though Heartgold and Soulsilver came out, this game is still extremely fun to play, I bought it on the day it came out which was also my birthday, i had it for 3 years.
Graphics-9.5(It's DS)
This game deserves a 10, it keeps the old school formula that has been going on for around 14 years, it's still played by millions of kids and adults around the globe, AMAZING.