Pokemon diamond, worth it's shiny name?????

User Rating: 8.5 | Pocket Monsters Diamond DS
Where to start?........

Well the game overall is very good, thought some times annoying it has it's ups and downs:

THE GOOD: Great graphics advancement on the last games, YOU CAN RUN INDOORS!!!!! Thank Arceus (lol) finally you can run indoors, it was so annoying in the old games, Pal Park its good how you can transfer pokemo from your old gaames so you can accually complete a pokedex with out needing some one else. GTS the global trade station, you can fiind almost anythig in there. WI FI trading, finaly you can realy prov your better than some one else! take their friend code and just battle them THE BAD: Same battle set up, they used the same sprites from the prvious game, no new graphics. Touch screen, there isn't much touch screen involvement which was a let down. GTS the problem is that the gts is used to find pokemon you don't have, but you can only search for pokemon that uved seen!!! whats the point in that.

Over all great game from the long dragging start to the time u battle dialga and beyond great game

PS i think it does live up to it's name