Its been a long time Pokemon.....

User Rating: 8.5 | Pocket Monsters Pearl DS
Boy oh boy, back tot his series again eh? Now as you may or may not have guessed the last few installments in the Pokemon series have been nothing but attempts to cash in on the craze. Now with this being the first Pokemon on their new system, Nintendo knew they had to make a good one again. This is by far the most colorful and easy on the eyes of the series. The sound still hasn't been improved since the original Blue/Red versions unfortunately. The amount of Pokemon to collect in this version is ridiculous. I had a hard time even finding my old favorites from the early games in the series. The story line is very long and should keep you entertained for a good amount of time. There are a lot of little details they put into this version that don't really matter but its adding to the game I guess. I'd say this is a good step forward in the series and I hope they continue this way.