harder than i tought wen i see it for first time

User Rating: 8.5 | Pocket Monsters Diamond DS
tha game is too hard because wihtout action replay you can´t pass it (i don´t use action replay) and catch the pokemon with you limited money is too hard too u need a perfect combination to win and use much tm and also hm, without it i think u can´t pass it the only bad thing is too commercial u need other version of gba to have more goods pokemons if u don´t have need search for good pokemons
and have to go to events of nintendo to have special pokemons like darkrai i don´t have time to a commercial events is a totally waste of time, and the movies are for promove the games an example is the movie of giratina, my final team is

-luxray (my favorite)

i miss my hopip, charizard, moltres, zapdos. articuno, mewtwo and othe,r for that reason don´t have 10 for me, but...... and for that i reason i never know abou my favorite´s new pokemons of my lis wathever the game is sooo good , when i was 5 years old i start to love pokemon

i sold the GBA games lol