Definitily great game, awesome but... I'm losing count of the Pokemon and their names

User Rating: 9.5 | Pocket Monsters Diamond DS
Well another pokemon in our hands, what can I say? It' s a great game with some new features, taking Pkmn to a next level but… from 151 to 348?

Well, the truth is I don't mess with the numbers, they don't bother me. One thing I do not like: the new pokemons are horrible, I don't even like the starters I send them right away to the pc. Pokemon after pokemon, after pokemon… and all them are horrible. By the good side, yes it represents more of a challenge for any trainer who wants to fill their Pokedex tilt' the last letter.

Gameplay: the same of all the previously versions. Although you can get a help of the stylus if you want.

Graphics: improved, now buildings, trees and mountains are in 3-D and the environments are well detailed, very simple graphics but really comfortable.

Sound: simple too, but excellent.

Story: well you know you are from a little town, you live with your mom, yo have a rival, you meet a professor, he send you on a travel, you get an starter pkmn, there's a Evil Team involved, the Gyms, the Pkmn League… you know.

At the end it's a complete game that any trainer must have, and if you are looking for a good RPG I totally recommend this one.