What sucks is everything is great - they recycled it flawlessly.
Preface - (I cant say story, so I say Preface.) Pokemon Diamond continues the Pokemon legacy in the Sinnoh region. This story Always, or somewhat follows this line. Boy wants to have Pokemon ~> Boy gets Pokemon ~> Boy becomes the strongest Trainer in the entire Region. Pretty much it.
Game Play - The gameplay for one, is totally recycled that explaining it would be pointless. Basically, you catch Pokemon using Pokeballs you obtain through searching or buying them. You use your Pokemon to catch other Pokemon. You become stronger by making them fight OTHER people's Pokemon and making them look like weaklings. When your think your ready enough, you go to 1 on 8 gyms conveniently placed in 8 cities. beat them, get a Badge marking your victory. In the middle are encounters with some group, in this game known as team Galtic, who are trying to capture Pokemon to recreate the world, as means to advance the plot.
Beat the bad guys, become stronger, then beat the Elite Four, the 4 best Trainers of the region. then beat the Champion, the last person to beat the last 4 guys.
The only thing that has changed is there are more Pokemon in total, and your Poketch, an in game feature on the Touch Screen which works like a PDA, but sucks because half the features are rarely EVER used. The system of gameplay isn't broken, and I have no problem with it, it's the fact that it is the same thing for a 4th generation.
Wireless- The only broken part of the game. ITS friend code based. You see you can sit in a room about 60 ft and enjoy a good battle without a hassle, but that is completely opposite for WiFi. You need Freind Codes. So unless you randomly place your Friend Code online, with know way of knowing if this will be a fair fight or not, you end up doing th same thing as a regular living room battle thats as easy as sitting down, turning on your DS, going to the Pokemon Center, and having a good time.
This is a great game, I recommend to Nintendo/Pokemon fans and DS owners. But