What more can you ask for?

User Rating: 10 | Pocket Monsters Platina DS
This game is the definitive version of Pokémon. It's got all ~500 Pokémon, online play and much more - but how different is this to Diamond and Pearl? In my opinion, you should get this game as soon as possible even though you got one of the others, cause the game has changed so much.

The biggest difference between this and Diamond & Pearl. Without spoiling anything I can say that the game is getting more "mature". The cutscenes (if you can call them that) are beautiful and not as childish as previous games in the series. Wonderful story overall.


As in other Pokémon games, you mainly battle and trade. Let me start with the battles, since they are the what makes the Pokémon games so special. THE GAME IS SO COMPETITIVE I CAN'T EVEN TELL YOU. This over Final Fantasy any day. So many different combinations make the game very good for adults too.
Trading Pokémon is just a wonderful idea if you got lotsa friends playing this game too. Online is very good.


This is the type of game that can't improve it's graphics a lot more. The Pokémon sprites are perfect, but for comparison to other games, they're not outstanding. Just near perfect for this game, and that's the charm of this game.


There's really nothing else to tell about this game if you already know Pokémon. If you don't, you're random. But it's an RPG based on tons of monsters with special abilities and such.

In my opinion, this is, and will be for a long time, the best RPG ever. Get it. NOW.