Pokemon Pearl is a must have for any Pokemon fan.

User Rating: 9.5 | Pocket Monsters Pearl DS
Pokemon Pearl takes place in a brand new region named Sinnoh. It starts the same as other pokemon games, you pick one of three starter pokemon ( Turtwig, Chimchar and Piplup ) and set off on your journey to become the Pokemon master. To do this you must beat eight gyms and the Pokemon League. This is no different from the other Pokemon games. By battling other pokemon you earn experience for your Pokemon which can lead to them evolving and becoming much stronger.

New features:
There are some new features that have been added to the game. The pokemon sprites are animated and move around a bit when sent into battle. Although this is probably the smallest new feature it is a pretty cool one. Another feature is of course the touch screen. This is used for a variety of things such as the Poketch, Berry mixing and battling. Another great feature is the underground. You can go beneath the ground and play with your friends to dig for treasure and steal opponents flags. The daytime and night time clock has also been brought back into the game like in gold/silver which makes the game feel more realistic. As this is a DS game you can now put your old GBA pokemon games in the second slot of your DS and transfer them to your DS game, fantastic if you really want to catch em all :P. And finally the most obvious new feature, new pokemon including Legendary.

Bad points:
The only bad points to the game which i can think of are if you have played pokemon games before this, then you will find that although there are great new features to the game it feels exactly the same as them once you have played it for a while.

The sound in the game is great and the music is brilliant. The graphics of the game are fairly good but i believe more could have been done to them.

All in all a great game. A must buy for any pokemon fan and anyone who has never played a pokemon game just try it you'll really like it if you're into your strategy and adventure games.