Glad to see the game still works great to this date!
Sound: A lot of it is recycled from other games in the series, with a kind of remix to them, and the new tracks are pretty catchy. So the music is fairly nice to listen too, would have liked to see more new tracks though.
Value: Games major shining point, is the value. I have only about 16 hours in the game so far, and ive only got 3 of the 8 badges, and havnt realy scratched the surface of this hugh game yet! Trust me guys its a big long game, that dosnt get old though, if your looking for a game to last, this is it!
Tilt: What can I say, I love this game so far! I'm so addicted, its becoming a problem with my health, lol! All in all, this game makes for a great RPG expierence with tons of stuff do do and even more monsters to catch and train. If youve been a fan of the series, this wont dissapoint, and if you've never played, or havn't in a while, now is the perfect time to pick up and start!(im not finished with this game yet, so ill be back to edit my ratings, but for the most part, i think i got a good impression on what the games total rating will be: 8.5!)