Pokemon Platinum expands the already awsomness of D/P by ways you wound't imagine from past games like crystal.

User Rating: 9.5 | Pocket Monsters Platina DS
Pokemon Platinum was very diffrent from expansion games like yelow, crystal, and emerald. Platinum is diffrent because yelow and crystal weren't needed really needed to expand. Emerald was needed becuase there wasn't much to do after entering the hall of fame in Ruby and Saphire. Emerald was the first expansion job to do something necisary like build the battle frontier which solved the, " I'm bored because I beat the elite four," problem. But Emerald didn't shake things up in the minor category or people. They only changed things in the story line that were major, like the champion, or the Raquaza story, and gyms.

Pokemon Platinum is the best expansion game becuase they did change minor things and major things like new pokemon, new gyms, updated citys, updated story line, better post game like the new and improved battle fronteir from emerald, and new girantina

Pokemon Platinum was thought to be another useless expanson game like yellow or crystal that didn't change much just becuase Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon pearl were loved by many people and was verey successful. Pokemon Platinum proved way better than it's prodecsers and also poked out alot of D/P's flaws, like lame settings.

This is not a yellow or crystal, so buy away pokemasters!