If you have read my other Pokemon game reviews, you probably think that I think Pokemon sucks. Think again.
User Rating: 9.2 | Pocket Monsters Diamond DS
Thank you, Nintendo. Thank you for not dumping Game Freak again. Thank you for keeping my love for Pokemon alive. And mostly, thank you for making this flipping awesome game! While it is not perfect, it is definitely a great game that should be a role model for other Pokemon (And RPG) games. Although the core game is the same as every other Pokemon game, there have been a lot of nice changes. The Underground, probably the best one, allows you to go into a underground labyrinth, make a secret base inside, and set traps to stop other people from taking your flags, tools necessary to make renovations on your base. There is also an E-bay style trading system that uses the Wi-Fi, which makes catching all the Pokemon in the game a lot easier. Otherwise, the game is the exact same as the other games, right down to the plot. If you're a veteran trainer looking for something new, get Pokemon Mystery dungeon instead. Otherwise, fans and nonfans alike should be highly entertained.