Wow... those memories come flodding back

User Rating: 8.4 | Pokemon FireRed Version GBA
It's kind of humiliating but I was a kid once and I was watching Pokemon, collected the cards and played Pokemon Red on the gameboy. Things change now, kids watch some kind of strange sponge who is called, Pants... i think and Pokemon invented 300 to 400 new Pokemon to try keep itself new but it's not nearly as popular as it was 8 or 9 year's ago... wow has it been that long. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Anyways now there's the remake of red called fire. It's a little more then a graphical upgrade. Yes I can't hide that it's the same story and Pokemon's but if thats all you can see in this game then close my review right now. First off, the definition remake is to take a old dusty thing and to make it new. Pokemon Fire does that. How? It might be it's bright colors, HEY It's not just black and white, with beautiful graphics or the little new add on's like 2 on 2 battle and the new items that could only enrich the game.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pokemon red was already, but it might not seem like it, a pretty deep strategy game. Like for example, what kind of person would use water to beat fire... well I did but I was half asleep (my pathetic attempt for a joke... i know NOT FUNNY). All this to say you're probably already a Pokemon fan, if you're looking at my review, and you should definitely buy it unless of three things. The obvious being if you hate Pokemon games, The second is if you hate remakes and finally if you have red already then you should save you're 20$ for something like a good cheesecake... sorry for that, I'm kind of hungry.....