red or green?red or green? i know! blue!

User Rating: 10 | Pokemon FireRed Version GBA
I swear this game is amazing! One of the very first pokemon games to come out for Gameboy was Pokemon Red and Blue, well this game is the same thing just 1341243 times better grapichs,better sound,a longer story mode, compared to the old Red and Blue and you can catch other pokemon from other games and trade over such as ruby and sapphire. you start in pallet town with either squritle,bublsaurs or charmender, you then work your way to the 8 gyms and then the pokemon league. After the pokemon league, you get the national dex, which will record all 386 pokemon there are up to date. In order to bet all 386, you'll need Ruby and Sapphire, Pokemon collsiume, Gold and Silver and last but not least, Leaf Green. this game is a great buy, and theres no reason to say no to it.