Pokemon Fans have been waiting for this classic, but not a new gaming experience, a fan would be happy.
User Rating: 7 | Pokemon FireRed Version GBA
Yet another Pokemon game has hit the stores and it has what you expect of a Pokemon game, a lot of Pokemon to catch, lots of opposition, and a challenge that is near impossible: completing your pokedex. For years, the constant irritation of walking 5 steps and then a random pokemon appears on the GBA screen. This game still has that irritation, but still RPG fans will love it, as the game is never ending, you can never be too powerful, or too rich, or too happy with this game. Graphics are terrible, but for some reason on Pokemon you don't care, the thrill of catching common or legendary pokemon, is exhilarating. But all Pokemon games are like this, they never change, and they need to get some more features to gaming of Pokemon. Its a better version of the Johto region games, and shows Johto at it's best. Pokemon Fans have been waiting for this classic, but not a new gaming experience, a fan would be happy.