Probably the best Pokemon RPG I've played so far. Even today, it still offers a lot to Game Boy gamers.

User Rating: 9.1 | Pokemon Silver Version GBC

Like Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow, you walk around many different towns and on different pathways, like a typical RPG. You will encounter battles with other trainers along the way. One thing to keep in mind here is the Gym Battles. Once you collect all the badgeswhich you get after defeating the Gym Leaders), you're off to the Pokemon Johto League! Even after you beat the league, Pokemon Gold and Silver still offer things to do.

The greatest thing about Gold and Silver, is the big number of additions they added, that makes the game even better then the previous games. There's a big world of exploration, intense Pokemon battles, and multiple characters that become important in your storyline. But there are several new additions as well. There's now a total of 250 Pokemon. Pokemon Gold and Silver contains an internal clock, an overworld 2 times bigger then Red and Blue's world, more mini events, a radio to listen to, and an secret ruin which will have you solving its secrets for a good while. The battles, which is the best thing about Pokemon, present themselves rather well in Gold and Silver. There's new attacks and new items to use then before. The old Pokemon even get some new treatments in this game too, making them also feel new. Gold and Silver have some different Pokemon, so if you are urging to get em all, you need both versions. Gold and Silver pretty much imporves in everything presented in Red, Blue and Yellow versions, and also adds some brand new gameplay elements.


The graphics are designed manliy for the oringinal Game Boy, but they are featured pretty well on the Game Boy Color (Or Game Boy Adavance). The worlds are very colorful and nicely detailed. The Pokemon look great, and don't show giant pixels, like Red, Blue and Yellow did. In a few ways, the game still has annimation movements and special effects like the previous versions, but Pokemon Gold and Silver still try to showcast the Game Boy's, or Game Boy Color's, technical specs. Overall, the game looks pretty good.


The music one of the best soundtracks ever composed in a Pokemon game, even if it's mostly beeps and other low tech sounds. I often with Nintendo made a soundtrack for Pokemon Gold and Silver, because the music is that good. The old Pokemon still have their GB sounds, while the new Pokemon get new GB sounds as well. Even though Gold and Silver doesn't feature high quality sound like Ruby and Shaphire did, everything here sounds exactly what a Pokemon game should sound like.


This is my favorite Pokemon RPG. Everything in this game surprised me, and everything was fun all the way, and I always wanted to play this again and again. Pokemon Gold and Silver is huge by the way. After you beat the Pokemon Leage, you have many side quests, that includes catching all the Pokemon. There are several secrets that I haven't even found yet. I can tell this game has been in production for a long while. No Pokemon fan should miss out on these glorious versions.

RPG Lenght: 25-30 hours (Just the main game. There's still tons to do)


-The Pokemon RPG formula is back, and better then ever
-Detailed graphics
-One of the most terrific soundtracks for a Pokemon game
-Long replay value
-So many extras to be enjoyed


-Only one save slot, which prevents playing a new adventure without deleting the old file...