The best pokemon game at the time it was released, and still the best if you can look past some of its dated aspects.

User Rating: 10 | Pokemon Crystal Version (Pokemon Special Edition GBC Bundle) GBC
The Good:
The real time clock and night and day are cool features.
MORE POKEMON!!! And they are all good pokemon unlike some of the future generations.
Male or female trainer.
Lengthy story with Johto and Kanto.

The Bad:
Night playing can be a little boring because you always run into the same pokemon and it can be a little hard to see.

The gold/silver/crystal generation of pokemon games was the best generation. Sure, looking back at them you notice some features that aren't their like contests, planting berries, safari zone, etc. But there are so many features that are their like the real time clock, 16 badges, two worlds, tons of great pokemon, a 50 hour story at least and more if you want to discovery everything, and believe me you will. The bottom line is that this game along with gold and silver is the best pokemon game out. The only reason people don't say that is because they compare it to the newer Diamond and Pearl. D/P may have 2.5D 463 pokemon, wifi trading, etc., but Crystal has the best gameplay, story and characters of all the generations. Not to mention it is the most fun as well.