This is the predecessor to all modern pokemon games, i played this one so much the CIMOS battery (save battery) died, and it will no longer hold a save. this game had a wide variety of new features, like a cell phone, day / night mode, radio stations with 8-bit tunes, and alot more. most of this was ahead of its time, as GBC can't support polyphonic music good enough for a worthy to listen to radio show, along with the cell phone, which only featured vague messages, and corny battle requests. the day / night thing didnt work for me because i didnt know Zulu time, so day was night and night was day. the only thing that realy stuck was the clock, the rest, in a way became vestigial, but still added to silver in a Plan 9 sort of way.
Pokemon Silver and Gold were the first of the proper Pokemon RPG's on the GameBoy Colour, and they were follow-ups to the highly successful GameBoy titles Pokemon Red and Blue. Silver and Gold carried on where their pred... Read Full Review
Pokemon: Silver Version is by-far the best Pokemon game and could well be the best Game Boy Color game, period. This is the RPG against which all others should be compared. It has a great story, it is extremely addictive... Read Full Review