10 out of 10 and pokemon gold 10 out of 10 and i agre 100%.
The game is so long it would last you at least a month of none stop gaming to complete.So it is completely worth the money you spent on this game (which you could pick up for about £20).from pokemon yellow to pokemon gold.Pokemon has come a long way (as it said it the title).From Bulbasaur,Charmander & Squirtle to Chikorita,Cyndaquil & Totodile.theres over 350 pokemon to collect with a average of 5 a day at first but then it gets complicated to search for the outragesly altered animals.It turns into about 1 or 2 a week.Thats why it will take you about 4 months two complete.But every time theres new pokemon theres even more cute/strong/cool/tough/weird/strange and down right ugly pokemon.And you already might have noticed the pokemon almost always resembles a type of animal example Miltank = Cow or Ariados = Spider.And have you ever noticed some pokemons names are a animals name spelled backwards like ekans = snake or arbok = kobra.eather its all a big coincedence or the creators got a bit lazy
(who wouldnt after making a game that big).
It took me about 3 months to complete the game 100% but i completed the pokemon league after about a week and a half then about 10 and a half weeks completly dedacated to none stop pokemon hunting.But the way im typing this message it would sound boring but its actualy the complete opposite its fun going pokemon hunting now and then.The fastest way to complete the game is to catch the pokemon as you see them so naturaly you have to keep about 20 to 30 pokeballs in your poke-gear (poke-gear is the new and improved
back-pack).And another tip is to grow at least half a level every time you step into a field of grass (only at the start of the game untill you get to the second gym)that way when you get to a gym they wont catch you out because there 7 levels ahead of you so use my tips regularly and you will complete the game in about two months and you wont miss a single thing.'i promise'.