Pokemon gold is by far the most revolutionary pokemon game created, enough said.

User Rating: 10 | Pocket Monsters Kin GBC
So, i am fairly sure that most know of the popular rpg that is pokemon. You start with a pokemon, beat some gyms, capture new ones etc. The games are mostly just the same but with different pokemon. However, pokemon gold took an already fun game series to a completely new level. I remember when i was about 7 when they first made gold version. I had played the red and blue and was expecting nothing different when i purchased the game. But, this game was more than i had ever hoped for. I became extremely addicted to the game and continuosly played even through kanto again. This was one of the things that made this game so great, it was twice as long as any others! The end when you battle the champion with pokemon near the hundreds, gives you a huge sense of accomplishment when you defeat him. I played and played and can really say that this game is perfect. Great graphics, for its time, it started the night and day, and was twice as long! Overall, this game is probably the greatest pokemon game and is one of my favorites from my younger years.