Endless game play, challenges, and something to do while on the crapper... haha

User Rating: 8.5 | Pokemon Silver Version GBC
Good: This is one of the best pokemon games for GBC because it not only includes the new silver game, but it lets you it explore the classic johto, and you can trade between red,blue, and yellow! This game will give you something to do when you're bored and can get you hooked. once you beat the main game, you go to a whole other island of pokemon to explore, and another 8 badges and challenges to do! It has an endless number of pokemon to capture, if you're really trying to fill your pokedex up it might take you a year or two. But this game is a solid fun game to play.

Bad: It takes forever to get past some useless dialouge, and it can get a bit annoying sometimes to die, or etc. to the point, gameplay does tend to be a little slow and it may feel like forever to do something... also to fill up your pokedex your either gonna have to know tons of people that play pokemon or buy all the pokemon games, that includes: red, yellow, blue, and gold... and you'll have to trade over all the pokemon that aren't in silver to silver... meaning it'll take forever and you spend lots of useless cash, so it's really pointless

but overall this game is solid good, and you will enjoy it anywhere!