Pokemon Silver is one of the pokemon games I never spent a whole lot of time playing. however it still was a great title
User Rating: 8 | Pokemon Silver Version GBC
I never spent much timed playing a whole lot of Pokemon silver back in its day, I always preferred either Gold or Crystal to silver. However when I did play Silver I fondly enjoyed the experience that it offered. The main difference between pokemon gold and silver other than the wild pokemon you could encounter was that Gold featured Ho-Oh while silver featured Lugia. Between the legendary birds I always preferred Lugia to Ho-Oh however. Pokemon Silver still offered everything that made Gold and Crystal such great games like the ability to travel to Kanto after you completed Johto. Overall Pokemon Silver will always be a classic Pokemon title, however I think loses out to Gold and Crystal a bit due to the fact that Silver never got as much exposure as the other two it tended to be the least popular of the three.