Fun and addicting :) , but with all the improvements in the graphics why can't game freak update the battle system?

User Rating: 9 | Pocket Monsters HeartGold DS
Fun and addicting :) , They really brought Pokemon gold back to life. The Graphics is superb the environment and the new feature were your top Pokemon follows you when you walk. XD. Also a feature I loved is the Poke dex. Your DS becomes a poke dex because it utilizes both the top and bottom screen of the DS. Another new thing in the game was the Pokemon center and the shop mart. Yeah I know there's nothing new about that but as a fan of Pokemon games I find the new looks of this iconic building rather fresh. But with all the improvements in the graphics why can't game freak update the battle system? That's my only problem in the Pokemon series the battle system is timeless and fun, but simple. In time game freak has no choice but to improve the battle system because it may be the reason players may get bored with the game itself. Over-all Pokemon Heart gold and soul silver rocks with it's superb graphics and story telling.