If you are a friend of the series, you will find this instalment enjoyable and if you are not - don't bother.

User Rating: 9.5 | Pocket Monsters SoulSilver DS
I've played the 3rd and the 4th generation games of Pokémon, including LeafGreen, Emerald, Diamond and Platinum. All of which I've enjoyed immensely.

SoulSilver, like it's sister game HeartGold, is a remake of the generation 2 Pokémon games. The gameplay and basic principles remain the same, but the visual look has gone under a makeover. Now the graphics are rendered three dimensionally and like in all new instalments of the game series, the graphics are overall more smooth and polished than in the previous games.

There are new moves and pokémons, but like in all versions, you can't catch 'em all without trading or cheating.

SS and HH reintroduce pokéballs made out of Apricorns. Apricorn pokéballs weren't available in the third generation games. Similar to Pokémon Yellow, now the first Pokémon of the party can follow the main character around. The game also introduces Pokéathlon. Pokéathlon consists of various minigames in which the player can participate with three pokemon at a time.

But even with new tweaks or enhancements, the basics of the game are still the same.

I've enjoyed my own experience so far and am anxiously waiting for the newest game in the series.