Pokemon Heartgold is a great remake of the original silver game, and incorporates all the magic of various modifications

User Rating: 9 | Pocket Monsters HeartGold DS
With the new poke walker and the classic upgrade of the games platinum, diamond, and pearl. the formula of these classic games have been featured for many years now, and it, for me never gets old, because its have been the best series of the formulas still being enhanced for all the rest of the world to see. With the new black and white games coming out, it's not so bad that the games will keep this new formula alive. Also saying that the best of the series right is the game's and its counterpart, soul silver version. With all 495 Pokemon being involved with the classic game play of the silver version with the perfect modifications of the producers, there is no wonder that they have emphasized these two games the most with commericals and various positive reviews, just like this one. The game is a little harder towards status problems and stats problems, making it easy to get killed and also at the same time, kill your enemies faster. This game I recommend highly for people outside the genre of Pokemon and a must get for Pokemon Lovers. Rewarding for the price it was evoked and also for the whole family to get along and just play.