An amazing game that every pokemon fan can enjoy.

User Rating: 9.5 | Pocket Monsters SoulSilver DS
I was not really impressed with 4th generation pokemon games and just stayed with 1st-3rd generation like pokemon red, and pokemon emerald. But that changed. With a mix of hoenn, kanto, johto, and sinnoh pokemon this game is a true masterpeice. The true villian orgainization has returned Team Rocket! A great return with the game but like usually to easy to beat. The game's accessory the pokewalker is a pretty decent thing but not a great thing as it is more for little kids. The trainers and elite 4 are a little harder then most games and that's what anyone wants. A huge thing to boost this game is the legendaries you can catch. You can catch kanto pokemon, mewtwo, the three birds Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres, the johto legendary dogs, Entei, Suiccuine, and Raikuo. You also have the ability to catch Lugia or Ho-oh based on your game and then catch the other later and a pretty high level. Not only that but also Latios, or Latias from hoenn. And finally groudon, kyorge, and rayquaza. Closing comments: This game is a master piece but suffers from an easy team rocket. Still great though :-P