
User Rating: 6.5 | Pokemon Fushigi no Dungeon: Yami no Tankentai DS
PMD: EOD is pretty cool. A bunch of new stuff has been added, and the new Pokemon and storyline are OK. I'm a huge fan of the Pokemon series, but lately I've been more and more disappointed.


The gameplay is good. You explore a dungeon with your partner, filling in the ever changing map, beating crazy wild Pokemon senseless. The new sprites for the Sinnoh pokemon are pretty cool, and the animation is awesome as well. But bieng beaten senseless by a Monster House is no fun. They made Monster House's even harder.


The EXACT SAME STORY, but told differently. Instead of Rayquaza, it's Dialga. Instead of Good guy bieng good and bad guy bieng bad, Good guy= bad and Bad guy= Good. Wow, what a shock. Like any other dramatic movie out there. Seriously, the Pokemon series is in desperate need of an update.


Not bad, but not good. Sprites are just OK and the animations are about the best part of the whole game's graphics.


The game is another one of those, ' I'll just play it cuz' I'm bored' games. It is soooo much like the first one, and the Graphics are in need of an update, not to mention the story line. All in all, this is just another one of those games that only newbies would enjoy.