Best Pokemon game to date. A Must buy for those who don't have Time/Darkness
User Rating: 10 | Pokemon Fushigi no Dungeon: Sora no Tankentai DS
Nintendo has done it again! This game has just enough differences from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Time and Darkness to make it worth buying. The game starts in an event that is explained later in the story. You are a Pokemon that transformed from a Human. This brings the first additions there are new candidates for the hero Riolu, Shinx, Phanphy, Eevee, and, Vulpix. Which are all candidates for the partner also as you can choose from all partners that aren't your type. After taking back the relic fragment you and your partner decide to train at Wigglytuff's Guild as an exploration team. Another New part of the game is the ability to do "Special Episodes" Where you are a totally different character than the hero you chose. These episodes vary in characters from Bidoof (a guild apprentice) to Wigglytuff himself! Another new thing is the Spinda Juice Bar where you can change stuff like seeds berries and apples into drinks. The maximum stat boost from that is five points put I think 5 stat points are worth a plain seed (yes it happened to me). The last two new things are that you can now trade more at the Croagunk swap shop including items you can get for any rare item. And in the post graduation story you can go to the sky village. Now about the game it's self. The difficulty Is about the same as all mystery dungeon games. Same for the graphics. The game has an awesome storyline that I don't want to give away(It even made a little teary eyed) , you'll have to play the game to find out :P
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