Another great mystery dungeon game. bummer there is no arceus or shaymin but overall its a very nice and satisfying game
User Rating: 10 | Pokemon Fushigi no Dungeon: Toki no Tankentai DS
and i thought pokemon mystery dungeon blue team was good. this game combines todays technology, one of nintendos oldest franchises, and pokemon blue team to create this totally sweet game. im kind a bummed that there is no arceus or shaymin but since those are the only two missing i dont really care much. theres a crapload of dungeons and pokemon so its easy to lose track of time. and of course in order to enjoy the full awsomeness of this game you will have to devote hundreds of hours to this game (on Mystery Dungeon Blue i had about 300 hours before i stopped). the sound greatly accompanies the game as you play from dozens of dungeons. the graphics are awsome (for the DS anyway) and allow for that feeling like your acutally in the game. like i said overall its an awsome game that i thank the lord for having nintendo and chunsoft create an epic game for the DS.