Not even close
User Rating: 1.5 | Pokemon Fushigi no Dungeon: Yami no Tankentai DS
This was the first pokemon game I had ever played, and initially I found it charming. Having never experienced a pokemon game I was happy with the quirky, happy vibe, but as I found out later it is nothing compared to REAL pokemon games. This game is all about exploring, randomly generated dungeons. That's about it. The story is good, I guess, but it does not make up for this games short comings. You will probably become bored to tears just tracking down outlaw pokeys, or escorting pokeys to a certain level in a dungeon. The sound and graphics are almost exactly the same as past gba/ds pokemon games, but unlike in Diamond/Pearl there is no 3-D anywhere. I traded this game in for Diamond and would recommend getting Diamond or Pearl instead of this. Diamond is 100 times more fun than this game. If you have already played D or P this game would be a great let down to you. There is nothing really wrong with this game, but if your like me, you play games to have fun. Fun, this game is not. The best thing this game did for me was prevent dust from going into my ds slot. Avoid at all costs, unless you picked up and enjoyed last years title, "Pokemon and Watching Paint Dry".