When I picked this game up I didn't do much research on the game or play it for more that three minuets. So when I played it, to my surprise, it was very entertaining. The game starts off where they ask you a series of questions to determine what type of pokemon you will play as throughout the game. After that you have to select a partner to join you on your adventures. For the most part this game is a action / tactics game. The movement is in a block grid but you do not take turns to move. As for the battle system, when wandering through a dungeon you a going to encounter enemy pokemon and there a multiple way to fight. The first is a plain attack function that goes with hitting the A button. You can also set moves the pokemon has learned but these take PP and the regular attack doesn't. You can also access the menu an attack from there. Your partner will help in battle as well, but he has to be positioned right and sometimes it isn't worth it to move. The missions are fairly simple and wont take much time to get through. The story is good as far as a pokemon game goes. This game is good to have if you aren't really playing anything else on the DS and is worth a look at. I wouldn't recommend it for those who want a really in depth DS game, but it is a fun title to have and is fun to play.
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