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User Rating: 8.4 | Pokemon Fushigi no Dungeon: Ao no Kyuujotai DS
This game can be a great way to apreciate all the other great pokemon games. Its not thats its bad its just not the best. You chose your charecter by takeing a personalaty quiz.(in this game you are the pokemon. I was a machap.) Then you pick a partner. As it turns out you were once a human but you cant rember anything. now you go on "reccue" missions to try and turn you back into a human. the dungeons are randomised so good luck trying to memorise them. instead of the framiliar potans you have berrys and seeds. Another aspect of the game is your belly. Some hold items make it go down and apples bring it up. if your belly goes empty you lose life. There is no good link up in this game. The story is pretty much a set up for after you beet it. you cant evolve, learn HMs, recruet legendery pokemon, or swich leaders untill you beat the game.If you have any other guestons please gamespot-mail me or coment on my blogs By: kcgecko