I think it was good that they made a Pokémon game that you could play a Pokémon. No trainers and you get to see how it is being a Pokémon but they could make the game better. For example: The gameplay wasn't so good so they could work more on that but it was still good. But I liked the sound and the graphics. It was pretty good for a GBA game. The game is about 20 hours long and when you have finished the game you can only: Train at the Makuhita Dojo, Evolve, Visit other places, Do more rescue team missons, Get up in rank and get more rescue team members. There was one thing that disturbed me though. It was too easy! If they made the game harder to finish then the game would be better and more enjoyable. If you skip the bad stuff then I think it is a good game and should be played for those who are Pokémon fans. Even though the game has bad gameplay, was too easy and didn't have so many Pokémon on the game (but that may be going too much for this game) it is still an enjoyable game but for those who are Pokémon fans, they're gonna love it!
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