So far I've reviewed 2 of my favorite games... Time to torture myself....
Don't buy this game!
Now to begin with I will admit I am a bit of a Pokenut, so when I leaned of a game that not only lets you play as a pokemon, but also picks your pokemon depending on your personality! Well Hot-diggity-dawg! I came here to reenforce the hype. 5.5? Well that can't be true! Well it wasn't, it was much much worse!
For this review I will show my decent into insanity by showing what I would give this game over time...
Lets begin...
Oh my gosh I can't believe I actually have it!
So I'm a bulbasaur huh? I'll take the test again...
A different pokemon! Strange... perhaps that was just a fluke!
Yet a different pokemon! I'm sure I get Bulbasaur again at some point!
Er I'll stick with charmander... I guess that the personality test has little bearing on the pokemon...
Pick a buddy? Er... OK...
Pikachu! I choose you!
I always wanted to say that!
Ok... first quest.
I'm getting a sense of dejavu from this dungeon, I feel like I played this game before...
Why is the map covering the entire screen?
Cool! I'm beating up enemies, being a pokemon, exploring dungeons, Cool!, I can never get tired of this!
1/2 hour later...
Ohmygosh I am so sick of this!
Wait I can actually add to my team!
How do I do it?
Randomly killing enemies?
5 hours later
Ok my next dungeon is under water! I
need dive?
Neither of my starters are water types, and I only found them in one dungeon with Poliwags!
I'll just go there and catch one and be on my way.
15 minutes later...
OK... the Poliwags are a tad rare but I can live with that..
1 hour later...
Join my stinking team you stupid blue balls of torture!
So I can't continue in the game now? Just because I didn't pick a water pokemon at the beginning?
This game is evil!
I belive MST3K said it best, "Hell works best in small doses over time"
This is a perfect example... if this was 100% Suck at the beginning of the game I wouldn't have kept playing it!
Err... let's see If I have a good metaphor...
Ah! here's one the frog in a pot! If you put a frog in boiling water it will jump out immediately, how ever, if you ever so slowly increase the temperature so that the frog doesn't think It's too horrible he will stay in the pot eventually killing it with the same temperature water. Thankfully, I was hit by a fireball that is the stupid water dungeon that told me to get out of that boiling pot of pokepoo or I too would have died of Thisgameiscrapiosis...