Poke'mon pinball is actually very good.

User Rating: 8.5 | Pokemon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire GBA
A good old pinball game with a ton of bounus stages. Pokemon will see all the pokes from emerald some shown in cool ways like latias and latios doing ball saves pikach pichu zapping your ball back even upgrade you regular pokeball. Not to mention three unique ways to catch on rupy catch by getting ball into sharpedo and hatch by knocking back cyndiquiall Sapphire get ball into wailmer to cacth or make the incubator all yellow to hatch. To evovle go around the loop 3 times then when the sign on the pokemart evo go in. You can play this for hours or one game even one ball scince you can quit and and save then you will repar in the same even in pokes if you saved there i just a good pinball game w/h pokemon abbtirus like the first one was. Somewhere bewtween batting and puzzles came pokemon pinball i glad it did.