"Gotta catch 'em all!" Like Pokemon? Like pinball? Mix them togeather and you get one cool game.
This is a great game. You will spend hours on end playing this game. It's your basic pinball game but on the Gameboy/Gameboy Color. You can catch pokemom when you do a sertain thing. You will be scoring up points in this game so fast. There are alo minigames that you will come across as you play to score even more points.
Pros:Very fun to play. Sound is great. It has all of the Pokemon from it's generation. And a good idea for a video game.
Cons:When the ball (a pokeball) goes to the second half of the screen and back, the screen will go black for a little less than half a second and then show it itstead of just scrolling up or down.
Bottom Line:A great game to have in your collection. 9/10.