This is a fun wondurful game that any generation from young to old. If you do not have this game go out and buy it.

User Rating: 10 | Pokemon Ranger: Batonnage DS
This is a fun wonderful game that any generation from young to old. If you do not have this game go out and buy it. This is one of my favorite games. I have beat the first one and i have beat this one two. If you like Pokemon and if you like video games you will like this game. But to play it you need a ds a ds lite or a dsi. So go to your nearest game store and buy it. Trust me you will not regret it. This is a game my brother might have but i do not know. So trust me if you like video games you will love this one. Also buy the first one its called Pokemon rangers. This have played almost every Pokemon game that has been made on earth. The reason that I have played almost every Pokemon game is that I have always loved Pokemon games such as crystil yellow saphire emerald etc. So go buy it as soon as possible unless your an igneranis.