Okay guys I admit I only bought this game for the manaphy egg for when Pokemon Diamond comes out in English. But I did get in to it right away. I was disapointed though that you don't keep the pokemon. Also that the strategy to catch a pokemon is to use the stylus and spin out circles before the stupid annoying pokemon breaks your damn line! There's no fun in that. It's really hard near the end and all you are really awarded with is headaches and carpal tunnel! It took 3 days to beat for me and I definitely know I won't play it a second time. It's just not one of those games. The original pokemon is.
Pokemon Ranger incorporates an idea not yet heard of in Action RPGs. The idea that you could actually snag a Pokemon YOURSELF with your own skill, rather than commanding Pokemon to do it for you is just one of those... Read Full Review
In my view there's a need for it. This game is just what I wanted while waiting for Diamond and Pearl. And best of all is it easy, understandable and plain fun! The plot has got me intrested, but I'm not gonna leak any... Read Full Review