Even if you do not like the anime, which I don't, this is still a great game.
User Rating: 9.2 | Pokemon Blue Version GB
When I first heard about the game I had no ideal there was a cartoon based behind it, but this turned out to be one of the best games for the Gameboy. In the game you assume the role of a Pokemon trainer, whom you can name, and you goal is basically to be the best trainer, by beating all the Pokemon gym arena leaders there are 8 of them. What makes this game so interesting is that there are a total of 150 pokemon on all three of the original versions, well 153 or more if you use cheats, and you can hold six pokemon so you can create an army of these critters on your own terms, if you like fire you can create an all fire line up but it is usually best to go for a well rounded line up so you don't get slaughtered. Some pokemon also evolve, in which they learn new moves and gain more stat points. Another interesting aspect is the fact that you can play Pokemon via link cable, you can trade pokemon with your friends or battle it out with your friends. All in all if you are an RPG fan or if you love the show or if you are looking for something interesting and new with loads of replay value, Pokemon is for you.