The game that started the Pokemon Craze!
The gameplay was pretty good. You fight and collect pokemon, and that is about the basics. This personally to me that this game had the best cheat in Videogame history: The missing No cheat, which gives you infinite items including Master Balls and Rare Candy and Nuggets! To bad by the time Pokemon Yellow came out, the mistake was removed.
The graphics are pretty much dated by today's stands. But they were pretty good at the time. Wished the pokemon looked like the Stragety Guide illustrations.
The sound is pretty much simple by today's standards as well, but worked and was able to come up with unique sounds for each Pokemon.
The value. Well, we pretty much have moved on the the latest versions of pokemon like FireRed/LeafGreen and Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald. But we will not forget what this game started.