The game that change everything. The best game in history of RPG,why you ask? Easy just read the review :
I have play allot of games,but nothing can compere to this game.
The thing i like about this game!
1-STORY IS SIMPLE:its about a boy trying to become
a Pokemon master.
But to do that,you have to travel allot,battle trainers like you and other gym leader to get there badges,which will give you permission to enter the final stage,where the greatest elite four is hiding.On your journey you will encounter allot of different Pokemon,which you can catch and lv up.
There are allot of Pokemon types like
FIRE TYPE Pokemon,WATER,GRASS,GHOST....and so on.
Its a great thing to have all this types of Pokemon
in your party,you never now,when they will come in handy
in weaknesses or stretch-this is where your strategy comes in.
Like this-Your enemy has a fire Pokemon,but you have a water Pokemon,(WATER IS SUPER EFFECTIVE ON FIRE)so the win is on your site,but its not all that easy,because of the moves the Pokemon have.
Like this,you can have a water Pokemon that has an electric attack,so its super effective on other water Pokemon.You must always be prepared,because you never now what type of attack will strike next,that's the spot where the challenge is.All of your Pokemon will advance in level and learn new moves,but be wise,because you can only use up to four moves per Pokemon.In your party you can store up to six Pokemon you like.All other will go into you computer(PC),where you can use them or store them any time you want.
To beat the game your first time,you will have to play like 40 to 50 hours and that allot for a game-boy game.
There so many of different type of Pokemon to catch,(151) total included Mew,if you can find it
(good luck on that).
But the game does not really end when you beat the elite four ow now,the game end when you catch all of the Pokemon's and trainee them to lv 100,now that's insane in a good way.
You will have to spend like 500 hours or more for that.
But do not worry to much,because the game is addictive
like hell.I have never play a game so addictive like this,i have play this game like 20 times over and over
and to tell you honestly i still play this game today
in the year of of new era of games i tell you,no game has come close to this game (but that's just my opinion,that will last forever im my old classic gamers heart).
If you have game-boy,game-boy color,game-boy advance and you have not play this game yet,play it.
Its definitely worth every money spend on it.
And if you like long game play and RPG elements
i promise you,that you will love this game.