Despite all the glitches, this is the best Gameboy game ever made. There ARE better Pokemon Games, but this is classic.

User Rating: 9.5 | Pocket Monsters Aka GB
This game came out 10 years ago, but it is still fun today. Despite all the glitches, it's better than any other GAMEBOY game. Sure, CATCHING 'EM ALL is sort of boring, but beating the Elite 4 about 50 times is worth it.

If you want the game to last longer, find a friend that has it, and battle. Yes, you need a game link cable for GB, but those go cheap now. Look online for them.

Here are the good and the bad:

Good: Good game for all ages, Fun puzzles in Team Rocket Bases, It's fun to see Pokemon evolve to see what they looked like back then, The Mew glitch and Glitch City are fun.

Bad: A little easy, Most glitches are dangerous. Not much to do after you beat elite 4.

To sum it all up, this game is worth the $5.00 or so that your neighbor is selling it for, I would say it's VERY worth it.