The first Poke'mon game to hit GBC is for Major Pikachu Fans Only.

User Rating: 10 | Pocket Monsters Pikachu GB
This is the first Poke'mon game for GB Color. This game has got what any serious Poke'mon fan wants. This Game is designed sort of like the show. You've got Jesse & James, Pikachu as your starter, Pikachu following you around, and getting Bulbasaur, Charmander, & Squirtle as gifts. This game also is designed like Red/Blue. The landscaping is only slightly different, the gym battles are more of the same, and the controls are exactly alike. And the add on of the first colosseum 's is a jump into the future. This is only for major Pikachu fans ONLY!!! I give this Game 10 for Excellence.