this is the mot awsomest game ever because.... well read my rview
this whole game is about adventur and the fact that you get to rais and capture pokemon to get e grate team.if you dnt thave this game buy it now.if anybody needs help on what to get for you first pokemon get torchic motls unless you want to beat the game faster i advise getting..... trcko because lots of peopl have things that are week to grass get reddy for adventure, excitment, fun,and hard work and lots of time to buy yourself a ruby game and not a sapphire.dont get to coky at the elit four.moor advice is first evolv you starter then evovle a tallow and a poochiana,get a groudon and if you can a balziken (if you dident choos it as a starter)a garidose and amphoross thous big eletric sheep with no fur in its final state. so hve a balst with the game