Sapphire rocks better than Emerald

User Rating: 8.9 | Pokemon Sapphire Version GBA
Sapphire is one great game. You basically start off with certain Pokemon that were brand new at the time. Then you could catch Kyogre, the legendary in this game and Emerald, which is worse(seriously!)than this game alone. It's like a game in heaven - its clearly a WHOLE lot better than its partner, Ruby, cause here are the Pokemon that rock in Sapphire: first, there's Latias, the Eon that appears in the wild after defeating the Elite Four. Next there's Kyogre, who doesn't take much of a pounding and also has one excellent attack: Sheer Cold. Meanwhile, you may treat it like an anime of your own. You can also earn the eight badges required to beat the Elite Four, and thats about that.