Pokemon ruby make a good entry on the gba with good graphics and gameply this game makes the gba worth buying.
Gameplay:is great and fun with rpg action.Catching all the pokemon is a lot of fun very difficult.The rpg style make the game gameplay even better that the original.
Graphics:are sharp.The towns look sharp and very detail and the gyms to look good to.The pokemon look detail and better than previous version.
Sound:still good but it could have been better.Each pokemon had diferents sound like previous version.The musicis funny and it have in some part a sense of danger.
Value:is high
Tilt:after you past the game you will be passing it over and over again.
Overall is the best pokemon game on the market not like pokemon green,Fire,emerald that are copies of the original but still they are great games.
Complains: I dont have any.