Pokemon Emerald, Ruby, and Saphire are the first GBA editions of the Pokemon series. But despite the improved graphics and sound, the games don't really live up to the previous installments. The game's storyline is very short, and though it does bring a few challenges, it really isn't all that hard to conquer. So compared to the previous Pokemon, this one is a tad mediocre, but it is a Pokemon game. In comparison, it's nothing special, but as a game overall, it's a pretty good game. Fun game play as always, the double battles are great, especially in Emerald where they are use a lot more. Value wise, it's decent. But the main story is defeating the gym leaders to get to the Pokemon league and defeat them, and in this game, that is done way too fast and easy. Though there are still things you can do after this, the primary portion of the game comes up short.
The Pokemon series has always did and sold well. This one is no exception. Pokemon Emerald is actually a upgrade of ruby and sapphire rather than being a totally new game. The game have almost enough upgrades to ensure a... Read Full Review
When two Pokemon games get released side by side, there is a third game released a few years later. Pokemon Emerald is the third game to go after Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire. The game uses the Hoenn region from those games... Read Full Review