A rehashed game that is strangely highly addictive.

User Rating: 8.8 | Pocket Monsters Emerald GBA
Ok, there are just way to many Pokemon games, lets review. We have from the beginning- Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Saphire plus games like pinball, Trozei,ranger dungeon and Diamond & Pearl coming in April. Thats 8 games excluding the extras plus 2 coming up with the same basic game. You'd think it would die down but it doesn't, its a guilty feeling. You feel like you'v bought same game over and over again, but its just so addictive. There are very little differences between Emerald and Ruby/Saphire. Here is a list.

1. The pokemon move upon entry, yawn.
2. The graphics are a liiiiiiitle tuned up.
3. Like all Pokemon games, this one has some exclusives.
4. Some storyline additions which should give you about 2-3 hours extra in the main story.
5. The Battle Frontier, the greatest and biggest addition, this is probably the best part about the game that should give you at least 50 hours of extra playing time and I ain't joking.

The game is an RPG, you capture more Pokemon to make your team stronger and as you win more you gain experience. Very light RPG. But its not all that easy. The story is very easy, you should plow through it very limited problems. But once you get to the Frontier everything changes, you will be forced look relentesly for pokemon with their best nature and EV train a lot.(If you don't know what I'm saying, don't worry, once you pick up the game you will eventually get it.) You will have to learn algebraic equations to determine your pokes IV's that not even Steven Hawking would have problems calculating.(Again if you don't understand what I'm saying just move along.)

The story involves you collecting 8 badges from 8 top trainers and finally a final challenge against 5 insanely powerfull trainers. On the way you will have to stop your enemy Team Magma & Aqua and other various sidequests. You spend 10 to 20 hours on the story but over 40 catching all the pokemon and completing the frontier.

Basicly Pokemon Emerald is like chips, you know nothing has changed about it and its not that diferent from everything else but once you start playing/eating you just can't stop!